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About Us


For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus as Lord,
and ourselves as your servants for Jesus' sake.

[2nd Cor. 4:5]

Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made that same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ.
[Acts 2:36]

When you distill Christianity down to its most basic elements you come up with two life changing points. 

1.)  There is only one true God, and  .  .  .

2.)  Of all so called gods, Jesus Christ is the only one who is qualified to be our personal Lord and Savior.   

We desire to open the depth of the scriptures to people in a manner that encourages them to turn to and trust the God of creation with their life.   In doing so each of us become a new creation, with a  new life that is real, pure, righteous and overcoming.  We work hard to insure nothing is added or removed from what the scriptures actually say.

Study the Bible, 
in context,
without adding or subtracting anything
weed out personal and denominational doctrines.

Sounds like a real novel approach to life.
Those that try it, say it works, and so do we!

What We Believe


We believe the Bible as God's infallible Word, inspired and supremely authoritative in all matters.     [2 Tim 3:16, John 20:31, Rev 22:18-19, 2 Peter 1:2-21]


We believe that God is One, living, eternal, almighty, personal and true God, known as God the Father, Jesus Christ the son, and the Holy Spirit.      [Gen 1:1-3, Titus 2:11-13, 1 John 5;7]


We believe that every person born into the world, except Jesus Christ, were born sinners, being alienated from God, and are naturally inclined to do evil.      [Gen 2 1-13, Rom 5:12, Eph 2:1-3]


We believe that Jesus Christ, was born of the virgin Mary and was fully God and fully man. (how that is possible is explained in the lesson Who Really is Jesus Christ?)  He is the living Word of God made alive in the flesh.  He lived a perfectly righteous life though tempted as all other men, then offered Himself as a sacrifice for the sin of mankind according to the predestined plan of God. He suffered, was crucified, died and was buried, but then was raised from the dead and appeared on earth before ascending to heaven. This resurrection demonstrates His complete authority over sin, life, death and the devil and that He is Lord over all things.      [John Chapter 1, Col. 1:15, 2 Cor 5:2l, Acts 2:23-24, 1 Cor 15:3,4, Heb 4:15 Eph 1:20,21, Matt 1.18-23, Acts 1:9-11]


We believe that every person who repents from their sins and turns to God by expressing faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, is saved by the grace of God.  They are forgiven of their sins and are justified before God.  It is by God's grace through faith that we are saved.  There is no salvation by works, however works are the end product of our faith.     [Acts 3:19, Jon 3:16, Rom 5:9, Col 1:13, Matt 24:13, Eph 2:8-9]


We believe that every Christian "should" be baptized in water by total immersion, if possible, as a public declaration of their identification with the death, burial and resurrection of Christ.  Baptism by water is not a condition required for salvation or for going to Heaven.  Actual salvation is by God's grace alone.  One should be baptised out of love and obedience to God.  

The baptism of the Holy Spirit is sadly, a huge point of division in the church.  "Religious" people try to destroy others who believe differently.  Mature spiritual people don't.  The Holy Spirt is part of the Godhead and has a significant role in the life lived as a new creation in Christ.  So many doctrines on the Holy Spirit are formed without any true Biblical basis.  As we grow in our understanding of the Bible it confirms how each part works together in the relationship between God and man and the Holy Spirit is a part of that.   [Acts 2.38-41, Rom 6:3-4]


We believe that there is only one true Christian Church with Jesus Christ at its Head, which is made up of all those who have been born again by giving their life to Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.   We grow as believers, by responsibly studying the Bible and choosing to believe what it says, which in time, produces the fruits of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, & temperance) flowing from our lives.   It is the responsibility of each believer to be, if possible, joined to a local Bible believing church.      [Eph 4:1-16, Heb 10:25, Gal 5:22]


Who we are:

alanThe Senior Editor of this site is Alan Henderson.  He has studied the scriptures for over 40 years and is completely convinced the entire Bible taken in context of the original scriptures, is absolutely true.  It is our desire that this site will open the Bible with depth, to all that would receive.  

He was camping with a Pastor of a small church several years ago and after a couple of days realized the Pastor had very little Bible knowledge.  He made the comment that maybe the Pastor should go to Bible college.  The Pastor replied that he had graduated from 4 years of Bible college.  What a shock.  Also a shock was Alan's own experience in Bible college where some professors taught heresies such as: that people are born good, the big bang theory, that parts of the Bible are a fable or myth, that the earth is an old earth, that lust is good in marriage, that the mind is the most noble part of man, etc, etc, ad nauseam.  That is not to say that all instructors in all Bible colleges are teaching junk, some teachers taught the Bible with great depth and understanding.   Bible colleges that desire to be "Accredited" have to include certain classes that teach the godless Greek styled thinking, of the man centered, mind sciences.  Most of these end in  . . .ogy or . . .phy.  They are man centered and look real good, until they are compared closely with the Bible.  They include some partial truths, however the end result is to supplant the truth of the Word of God.

We are always looking for qualified writers that can write clean Bible lessons, without preaching, to our format.  Contact us if you think you can write clean Bible lessons.


© - Copyright - 2009 - 2023 (formally


Are We Playing Games with God?


Pretty much everyone plays a hidden game with God.
Yet it is rare for a person to admit it, instead so often,
people say they just wish God would make His will known to them,
or just let them know what He wants.

What is interesting is, religious people play games with God
just as much as the world does.

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Common Sense to Consider

God works through His Word and His Spirit to lead people from living in the kingdom of this fallen world to living in the kingdom of God. Since these two are contrary to each other there is always the challenge of disagreements due to our depth of understanding or our pet beliefs or doctrines. If a person is honestly willing to study deeper, most of these false doctrines fall off over time. Wise people are not overly quick to judge, instead they hear a matter out fully and then decide accordingly. The religious leaders of Jesus's day missed who He was and they killed the Son of God.  We need to be careful that in a similar manner we don't repeat their mistake . . .


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