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Good, but which Bible?.  Rather than just picking a Bible with a pretty cover and easy to read print, lets look more into what different options are available.

Whether we understand it or not, God is perfect.  The scriptures are very condensed.  That way God is able to pack a lot more into them.  When things are condensed they need to be precise.  We sometimes have a hard time believing anything written in conversational language (like the Bible) could be precise.  But it is.  The Bible says that the original scriptures "is given by inspiration of God" to men of God. Then these scriptures were translated into different languages, including English, and then distributed all around the world.  Translations were usually from the minds of bright individuals or committees.  So translations are not from by the direct revelation of God.  Instead they are translated to fit the purpose  of the translators.  That could be to be literal exactly word for word.  It could be to show the concepts as the translators understood them.  Of course then the question is how perfect was the translators understanding?  Then we have the fuzziest translations like the message bible. 

Our advice is find the most literal that you are comfortable with, realizing  there may be even more literal Bibles and resources available.  You can compare many versions HERE.  Then research the style you like online to see what others think of that translation.  You will likely find the King James Version as considered the most literal, apart from an interlinear.  The American King James is easier to read as it replaces the thee's and the thou's. 

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:― 2nd Tim 3:16

Many churches will give you a Bible of the translation they use.  Free is a good price.  However if you are in a church that is giving out the New World translation, it is time to find a different church as that denomination is considered a cult.


Are We Playing Games with God?


Pretty much everyone plays a hidden game with God.
Yet it is rare for a person to admit it, instead so often,
people say they just wish God would make His will known to them,
or just let them know what He wants.

What is interesting is, religious people play games with God
just as much as the world does.

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Common Sense to Consider

God works through His Word and His Spirit to lead people from living in the kingdom of this fallen world to living in the kingdom of God. Since these two are contrary to each other there is always the challenge of disagreements due to our depth of understanding or our pet beliefs or doctrines. If a person is honestly willing to study deeper, most of these false doctrines fall off over time. Wise people are not overly quick to judge, instead they hear a matter out fully and then decide accordingly. The religious leaders of Jesus's day missed who He was and they killed the Son of God.  We need to be careful that in a similar manner we don't repeat their mistake . . .


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