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Prayer is simply our sincere talking to God.  We don't pray to God to impress others.  We pray to God to communicate with God, what is on out heart, our needs and our wants.

prayingDoes God already know what is going on?  Yes, of course.  But in a relationship with someone we share with them about what our heart is struggling with.  The same is with God.   It starts out when we are baby Christian, as a one way conversation.  As we grow we come to realize how God communicates to us and our prayer becomes part of our ongoing relationship with God.


Are We Playing Games with God?


Pretty much everyone plays a hidden game with God.
Yet it is rare for a person to admit it, instead so often,
people say they just wish God would make His will known to them,
or just let them know what He wants.

What is interesting is, religious people play games with God
just as much as the world does.

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Common Sense to Consider

God works through His Word and His Spirit to lead people from living in the kingdom of this fallen world to living in the kingdom of God. Since these two are contrary to each other there is always the challenge of disagreements due to our depth of understanding or our pet beliefs or doctrines. If a person is honestly willing to study deeper, most of these false doctrines fall off over time. Wise people are not overly quick to judge, instead they hear a matter out fully and then decide accordingly. The religious leaders of Jesus's day missed who He was and they killed the Son of God.  We need to be careful that in a similar manner we don't repeat their mistake . . .


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